How should storm surge barrier maintenance strategies be changed in light of sea-level rise?
Low lying coastal cities face growing risks of flooding due to sea-level rise, population growth, and changes in storminess. To protect these cities, storm surge barriers are built. These large engineering structure require regular maintenance. This study focuses on the Maeslant barrier in Rotterdam, evaluating past and future water level exceedances of maintenance thresholds. Future projections indicate that, with 1 meter of sea-level rise by 2100, maintenance will be greatly impeded. Adaptations to maintenance strategies are crucial to ensure the barrier reaches its design life. This framework can be applied to other existing and future storm surge barriers.
The role of tides and sea ice on the carbonate chemistry in a coastal polynya in the south-eastern Weddell Sea
This study investigates the impact of tides on marine carbonate chemistry in polar coastal regions, specifically in the south-eastern Weddell Sea near Antarctica. Two case studies conducted in January 2015 and January 2019 show significant semi-diurnal oscillations in the water column, affecting physical and biogeochemical variables. Neglecting tide-induced variability may lead to a 67% overestimation or a 73% underestimation of CO2 uptake by the polynya. The findings emphasize the need for considering tidal currents in future polar ocean studies to improve our understanding of these complex systems and avoid measurement biases.