Looking back at 2023
This time last year I took some time to reflect on 2022; my highlights, the things I’d learned and goals for 2023.
I enjoyed doing this so much that I’ve decided to do it again this year, in a slightly different format though.
2023 Highlights
This year has been a whirlwind with some downs but plenty of ups. I’ve chosen the key highlights of the last year.
Journal Paper Header
Academic Achievements
I completed the 18 month milestone in my PhD and published my first peer-reviewed paper
My slide design
Three Minute Thesis
I competed in the University contest and won the Environmental and Life Sciences Faculty heat.
For those of you not familiar with this competition. The goal is to describe your PhD project to a non specialist audience in just 3 minutes. To aid you have the use of a single static PowerPoint slide. A challenging thing to do when you’ve been immersed in the topic for over a year and are very familiar with the intricate details. I can definitely recommend this as a tool to take a step back from the complexities of a project and zoom out on the bigger picture.
Remote attendance to the award ceremony
Public Engagement and Outreach Award
I won a Doctoral College Award for my work and involvement in the international network I-STORM
The prize giving ceremony was held while I was abroad, so this is me joining virtually.
Group photo from AMOC Workshop
Research Placement
I spent three months in Germany at the University of Hamburg analysing data from the Denmark Strait. If you want to know more about the things that I got up to while abroad, you can read the three blog posts I wrote titled “PhD on Pause”.
Posing infront of the IUGG display
IUGG Conference
Another first this year was attending an international conference.
Maeslant test closure
Netherlands Travel
This year I travelled to the Netherlands on a couple of occasions to give presentations, meet with colleagues and watch the annual test closure of the Maeslant barrier.
Receiving my certificate from the Director of the Doctoral College
Poster Showcase
To round off a super afternoon of talking about my research. My poster won the award for most innovative STEMM poster.